Industrial - Bachelors

Ski Hitch, Quick attach ski system

Ski hitch is a product designed to allow users to move between a variety of different environments and circumstances with their ski's and poles with little resistance due to their cumbersome nature. By allowing the user to move hands free it creates a stronger sense of balance and improves the ability for the user to recover and break a fall.

Ski hitch is small, able to be held in the palm of one hand.

Traditional solutions still require the user to hold their ski’s with their arms, or to sling them over their shoulders, both options requiring the use of at least one arm. Ski hitch removes the weight on these points and distributes it across the waist. It results in no arm fatigue or shoulder injury.

By creating a product that attaches and detaches quickly, it incentivises the user to use it instead of using a traditional method of carry.

Additionally, due to the fact Ski Hitch itself can remain on the ski’s, the user can remove the weight from themselves to sit, stand or place in a vehicle to transport.

Ski hitch is comprised of 4 components, the Clip Buckle, the Ski Hitch, the Belt Mount and the Shoulder Strap Clip.

The hitch itself attaches wraps directly around the ski’s upper bindings and has provisions for both carbon and metal poles. It allows the user to pick up and move the ski’s and poles together with only one hand.

Ski Hitch can be attached directly to the Hitch Mount that the user has affixed to their belt that places the weight of the ski’s on the user’s waist, rather than on their arms. It orientates the ski’s vertically against the user, as spatial awareness with ski’s over the shoulder is limited for the user. It prevents injuries of other users and reduces likelihood of damage to the ski’s.

The user has an additional Shoulder Strap that is placed around the top of the ski’s, routed over the user’s shoulder and is secured into a Clip Buckle attached to the front of the user’s belt. It pulls the ski’s forward, preventing them from contacting the user’s leg mid stride and prevents the noses from drifting apart when walking.

Ski hitch reduces fatigue and improves mobility for users by changing the way that weight is placed on the body.

Edward Minchinton

A final year industrial designer with experience in polymer additive and ferrous and non ferrous subtractive manufacturing. Experience with programs like Solidworks, Fusion 360, Photoshop, Indesign and Keyshot.